Previews: Sims Camp - The Press Conference

Tuesday - August 20, 2013
Today is the day we get to go to the press conference! THE press conference. The press conference where The Sims 4 will officially be announced. Well it's here!
At a certain time we had to be downstairs and ready to go with the bus to the press conference! Most of us were wearing our green Sims Camp shirts and plumbob headbands! We went to this building by bus.
Me being overly excited in the bus. Who can blame me?
"Hurrrrrr aaaaaaaaarrrggg rruuuuuuuu braaaaiiins" Photo by EA.
Getting ready to go inside! Photo by EA.
Once we got there, they let us all in. I brought my ticket and everything, but they already had those for us haha.
As I was walking in with Maaike (swwSims) from Platinum Simmers we were in awe. So huge! And our seats were pretty much at the front of this huge place.
There were all these *reserved for Sims* papers hanging on our chairs. So weird. So surreal. So awesome!
Everyone on their devices. For your information, the press conference hadn't started yet when I took this picture. But everyone was updating their pages and social media to let you all know we were there! I think a big part of us being there is the social aspect. So we are doing things right here lol.
Tablets, phones, cameras...
Zombieeee! Aaaaaahhhhhhh!
See that green area? Yeah that's all of us! Photo by EA.
German reporter with people I don't know and aaaah, a zombie! And you can see some of us in the background! Photo by EA.
Daniel from SimFans being interviewed by a German reporter dude in a moustache suit. He "moustache" a few questions... Photo by EA.
Time to have my picture taken! This is a once in a lifetime thing. And if you don't take pics, no one will believe you were there.
Maaike, Freezer Bunny and moi!
Maaike and Rosie on the devices. Photo by EA.
It's hard to believe, but... We were really there! Photo taken by Bill.
So many awesome people! But the people looking at the camera are Berry from Berry Sweet Shoppe and Karol from DOTSim.
Yaaaay! Maaike and Rosie!
Once I saw the start of that trailer, I just knew it. I felt it. Everyone did. I think. Hahaha. I got goosebumps. You have no idea what it's like sitting there. If you got excited while watching the press conference online, imagine what it's like with a huge screen in front of you, the sound waves vibrating through your entire body and the people around you just as excited as you. All you want to do is scream! And we did hahaha. We were loud. Happy and loud.
Rachel Franklin telling us all about The Sims 4! Photo by EA.
Then Rachel Franklin showed us the first official video footage, and gosh was I excited! I recorded part of it, but not sure if the video is of any use. Anyway, here you go.
We saw a couple more games that got us excited. Well I was excited anyway. But since this website is about Sims games, I won't be showing anything from those other games here. But my favourites, other than The Sims 4 of course, were Titanfall and Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare. <3
After we attended the press conference it was time to leave again, as we had to prepare for dinner soon. On the way out some people helped themselves to a beer and some pretzels.
None of it for me though. But I remember someone wanted me to take a picture, I just don't remember who hahaha. Anyway, here it is.
Some people ejoying some beer and pretzels, others just waiting, and after that we were on the bus again!
Thank you so much EA for letting us experience this. I expected it to be special. But sitting there, really experiencing it... That was a feeling I can't describe. It was amazing! It's one of those things that I will never forget!