Downloads Help: The Sims 4 Downloads Help

I've collected a few frequently asked questions about downloads in The Sims 4 and made an overview for you guys! Hope this answers some of your questions. If you have any more questions, please contact me at the SNW Lounge forums.
How do I install your Sims 4 downloads?
The majority of my downloads are packaged as ZIP files. In some cases RAR files or 7ZIP. You can extract these with programs like 7-Zip. Extract the downloads to the Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods folder, unless otherwise stated on the download page.
My houses are usually shared via the Sims 4 gallery. But I sometimes share the houses on my site as well. Instructions how to install the houses via my site can be found inside the ZIP files. Read them carefully!
I installed your download(s) and I can't find them in my game!
- Please check to make sure you installed them correctly (they should be put in the Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods folder.
- Check your settings in the game to see if you have custom content enabled. Go to Options » Game Options > Other > Enable Custom Content and Mods and make sure it's checked! You also have to re-enable this after every Sims 4 patch/update! After re-enabling this in the settings, you need to restart The Sims 4.
- Check the download page. I always mention which category the download is in. Which should make it easier for you to find!
- If all else fails, search for the download in the game. I always include SNW in the name, and the names are usually consistent with the download page titles!
- Be sure to check if you have the required games. If you only have the base game, you can't download anything based off items from expansions/game packs/stuff packs. I try to make my downloads base game only, but in some cases a pack is required. I usually include the required packs on the download page.
- In most cases my items are completely new/standalone items, so they should be easy to spot in the game. However, in a few cases I create one or two recolours of something by Maxis, and I might include it with the existing Maxis item instead. You should be able to recognise it by the wrench icon though!
How come your windows are placed differently on your walls?
I use MOO (move objects on). Sometimes my walls are designed to work perfectly with the windows in the game. But they don't always automatically lign up right away. So then I use the bb.moveobjects cheat so I can not only move objects closer to each other, but I can also move them up and down by using the 9 and 0 keys. Try it, it's fun! Sometimes windows look better when you move them up or down a little. And although this is already possible in the game, with the moveobjects cheat you can move them more precisely.
To use the cheat, just enter CTRL + SHIFT + C. A cheat console will open at the top left of your screen. Enter bb.moveobjects and you should be good to go!
How come this particular object appears bigger on your screenshot than it does in my game?
This works especially well with toy cars (until we have real ones anyway!) and with paintings and rugs. But it's also great for shrubbery and the like.
It's a little trick in The Sims 4 which you can achieve by using the [ and ] keys. These will make your items smaller [ and bigger ]. Though you can't go smaller than the item's default size.
How do you create your Sims 4 downloads?
Oh boy! I get this question a lot. It's not that I don't want to help. But I like creating new CC way more than I like explaining how I create it lol.
First of all. I create most of my content through Sims 4 Studio. This includes walls, floors, objects, clothing, hair and so on. You need to register (for a free account) on the Sims 4 Studio website. Download the software, install it. Enter your Creator's credentials when you launch the program for the first time. Then start creating!
I can't teach you how to work with a paint program. But from time to time I do tutorials on custom content creation. Keep an eye on my YouTube channel and the website (the one you're looking at now), as I personally like written tutorials. These are mostly basic tutorials, to get people started.
If you want to create new meshes, you'll also need a 3D program like Blender. it's also free to download and use. But there's a learning curve. I strongly advise you to look at the Blender documentation if you want to get better acquainted with the software. It's worth the time learning, I promise! But it can definitely be frustrating at times.
I installed your baby outfit and now all my babies have the same outfits!
This is because all the baby outfits (not to be confused with toddler outfits) are overrides. Babies cannot have several different outfits. it's always one file! Since I create files with outfits for all the babies (all genders and skin tones) you'll find that all the babies look alike with their outfits.
I installed your baby outfit but it won't appear in my game / it crashes my game!
Make sure you don't already have an override! My baby outfit overrrides all start with "snw-ts4-baby-replacement" in the file names, so they should be easy to find. Before installing a new override, you need to (re)move the previous one. Otherwise it won't appear or it'll crash your game.
Where do you get your inspiration and ideas for downloads?
I can get inspired by just about anything. Whenever I see something it often triggers new ideas. But using sites like Pinterest really help to gather inspiration. Whenever I have an idea I write it down to use later on, or I get to work right away in my paint program.
Which paint program do you use?
I've been using Fireworks since 2001. Back then it was Macromedia Fireworks. These days it's from Adobe. But Adobe no longer supports it, and I think it's even impossible to get it these days, unless you already had access to it via Creative Cloud. After all these years and with all its faults (memory bugs which Adobe never fixed) I still can't switch to another program.
I rarely use Photoshop. I know how to use it, but it's missing key features from Fireworks. Illustrator is definitely nice for illustrations. I sometimes use Krita (open source/free) to paint artworks.
I personally don't use GIMP or, but those are good alternatives to Photoshop, and they're also open source/free.
Can I request a download?
You can always request something. But I can't guarantee that I'm going to create it. Even if I want to make it, I don't always have the time to do so. But I'll at least consider it! Please post requests on the SNW Lounge forums, thank you! Requests on social media get lost easily. On the forums I can easily look it up.
Can I re-upload your files elsewhere?
No. Please don't.
Can I alter your files?
For personal use, eh, I'd prefer it if people just send me a request for an additional design. If you do alter my files, do not upload them. It's that easy. Don't use my files to create new custom content. Be creative and make your own CC.
I found an illustration by you on your other website(s), can I use it to create my own my custom content?
Please don't! Especially with illustrations and patterns I spend hours creating them. It really stinks to see people use my illustrations and patterns without any form of credit or permission in their "designs" 😟 so please just don't do this. There are plenty of resources for free or relatively cheap illustrations and patterns.
Can I use your items in builds?
Sure, but if you're going to upload your builds, please give credit for the items used!