
News Archive - 2004

New E3 trailer, from the official UK site!

Hi Everyone!

The coming week is a major milestone for The Sims 2, and things have hotted up here in the Maxis office! The entire Sims 2 team is focused with a laser-like clarity on making sure that The Sims 2 demo that the public sees at next week's vast landscape of video gaming bliss, The Electronic Entertainment Expo, stands heads, shoulders, and plumb-bob's above the competition! Stay tuned for more information on interviews with yours truly on IGN, and a live interview with The Man Behind The Curtain, Will Wright, on Gamespot

DJ Lucy Bradshaw drops a little mp3 musical montage on you so you can get a feel for just what sort of sounds will be pumping out your speakers when you finally pop that Sims 2 cd in your computers cd tray.

Download Musical Montage MP3

Bring your questions about The Sims 2 Body Shop to the chat room on Thursday, May 13th at 3pm PST where we will be hosting a chat event with The Sims 2 Body Shop Producer, Darren Futa.

Hi Everybody,

If you were to walk through the Maxis offices and peer into our cubicles, you would see lots of headphone-wearing heads bobbing along their own personal soundtrack. Music is important here. It helps keep us in the zone as we put those tiny flourishes on the game that are going to rock the collective socks off the industry insiders at the upcoming Electronic Entertainment Expo.

The Sims 2

One new official screenshot today!

Hear what Lucy Bradshaw has to say about a cool new feature we have added to The Sims 2, called "Sims Movie Making."

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