

SimGuruTaterTot posted this on the forums just now!

SimGuruCopeland posted another picture of the upcoming store set! I have this feeling it has something to do with bread. Hmmm bakery?

Yesterday I posted about a new upcoming Featured Look on the Sims 3 Store. A little after that, SimGuruTaterTot posted another picture!

SimGuruCopeland: @SimGuruTatertot That picture is cool, but you should show the whole villa!


SimGuruTaterTot: On it, @SimGuruCopeland Get ready for Paraiso.

Yummm more cookies. And a pie! And books? I always love more books!! A can of... stuff. And a kitchen timer it appears. I think we're getting a food/kitchen related set. :D I know I'm not supposed to but here it goes... I'm hoping for a bakery!!! Yes, I know. I'll shut up now. :P

SimGuruCopeland posted a new image on Twitter. It appears we're getting (decorative) cookies in a jar. Hmmm!

There is a discussion on the forums about favorite decor item. Here's a sneak peak of one of my new favs coming soon!

SimGuruTaterTot released a new store sneak preview, of which there have been a few before. The previous ones were not exactly clear. But the way they Photoshopped the image was very fitting, as this seems to be about blowing glass. As you can see this preview also has a bit of a stained glass effect. :D

Yesterday SimGuruCopeland hinted something on Twitter:

#Reincarnated 10/17

And today there is a new hint:

#MonsterUnderThePorch 10/17

Another hint at the Open for Business store content? Who knows? But SimGuruCopeland (Alan) just posted this screen with two Sims sitting at a table, having a look at the menu cards we also saw in yesterday's screen with Crumplebottom in it. Oh please SimGurus, please please please please please let us have bakeries as well!

What are you doing?? I sure hope you paid for that! #justsomethinimworkingon

SimGuruCopeland has created a unique lot you can download if you own the new Skylight Studio for the Performing Arts venue that was released yesterday! Take a look below. I don't own the venue yet so I can't preview the lot in my game unfortunately.



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