
The Sims - News

Check out The Sims 10th Anniversary podcast featuring Tim LeTourneau, the GM of the Sims division, and Charles London, The Sims Creative Director.

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Deze maand bestaat De Sims 10 jaar en dat vieren we met leuke acties en aanbiedingen voor jou en je Sims. We willen je bedanken voor je 10 jaar lange vriendschap met De Sims en hebben daarom nog een aantal leuke verassingen voor je in petto!

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The Sims series will be 10 years old in February, and we have to celebrate this! A couple of fansites including SimTimes and SimFans have received many cool renders from EA Germany, which fansites and fans can use to create cool stuff. I did not want to skip the 10th birthday of The Sims. So I created a bunch of wallpapers, in pretty much any resolution!

Wired's Game Life has named The Sims one of the 'Best of the Decade'.

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