
MySims News

24 Nov 2003 - 22:00

Due to the holiday weekend here in Maxis Land, there will be no chat event this Thursday. But don’t worry, starting next week we will be back with some great guest speakers lined up for the month of December.

23 Nov 2003 - 22:00

Hello everyone.

I wanted to first take the opportunity to thank all of you who were able to join us for The Sims 2 University. We are grateful that you took time out of your busy schedules and traveled many miles to spend the day with us and talk about The Sims 2. We feel like it was a worthwhile day and hope you do to. For those of you who were unable to join us, we missed you and hope you will be able to participate next time.

At The Sims 2 University, we gave all participants an updated fansite kit. You can download it here, if you didn't join us and are interested in downloading its content.

On of the most important things that we discussed at The Sims 2 University was the player-made custom content tool. View the screenshots below which show off various outfits that we have picked for
you to customize:

The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2

The file that contains the bitmap files for these clothing options can be downloaded here, feel free to play around with them and customize them to express your personal Sim-style!

Many of you have had specific questions about this tool. Below we have addressed some of your issues:

What is CaSIE?
CaSIE is a stand-alone tool that will let you build Sims that can be played in The Sims 2. In CaSIE, you will be able to choose your Sims' skin tone, eye color, hair styles; facial hair, makeup, clothes, and more. CaSIE will also give you incredible control over your Sims' faces through controls to select from a diverse range of facial "types" and sliders to fine tune even the smallest details, such as nose length, eyebrow thickness, lip curl, and chin shape. There are over 50 modifier sliders alone!

Another major feature of CaSIE is the ability to create custom content that anyone can play in The Sims 2. Take a t-shirt and add your face to it ... make a set of yellow cat eyes ... create a set of scaly green skins ... the possibilities are truly infinite.

Finally, CaSIE is the tool that will help you package the Sims and custom content you create and upload them to, post on your fan site, or share with your friends. We can't wait to see what turns up!

What is the difference between CaSIE and CAS?
CAS (Create-A-Sim) is a part of The Sims 2. CaSIE is a "stand alone" tool that runs separately from the game. CAS is the place in The Sims 2 where you will create Sims and their families and move them into your neighborhoods. CaSIE will be released before The Sims 2 ships as a way for you to start building Sims and creating custom content early. CAS allows you to name Sims, give them personalities and determine their facial appearance, physique, outfits, accessories, and hairstyles. You'll be able to create families with genetic similarities; CaSIE does not.

What does stand-alone mean?
"Stand-alone" means that CaSIE can run without having The Sims 2 installed on your computer, which is why we will be able to release CaSIE before the game ships. Once The Sims 2 is released (and if you have installed CaSIE and The Sims 2 in their default directories), they will work together seamlessly. For example, any Sim you create in CaSIE will be available for you to play in The Sims 2 without having to transfer any files. Also, any custom content you create in CaSIE will be automatically available to you in CAS. (CaSIE and The Sims 2, however, can not be run at the same time.)

Is CaSIE actually mandatory to run the game or can you just buy The Sims 2 and still play the game?
You can play The Sims 2 without having CaSIE.

How easy will it be to create new meshes for new clothes and Sims?
For the first release of CaSIE you will only be able to customize textures and the facial mesh (with modifiers and face choices). This is because the process of creating models in The Sims 2 is much more complex than in The Sims and we want players to be able to get started on textures as soon as possible. We do, however, plan to release an update to CaSIE later on that will let you export and import models to use in a 3D program.

Does CaSIE have the same requirements as The Sims 2?
Yes, CaSIE will work on the same system requirements as The Sims 2.

For all of you console fans, The Sims Bustin' Out community site is live. Click here to check out the fansite kit and chat on the BBS. The game will be in stores in just a few short weeks.

That's all for now.



23 Nov 2003 - 22:00

Hello everyone.

I wanted to first take the opportunity to thank all of you who were able to join us for The Sims 2 University. We are grateful that you took time out of your busy schedules and traveled many miles to spend the day with us and talk about The Sims 2. We feel like it was a worthwhile day and hope you do to. For those of you who were unable to join us, we missed you and hope you will be able to participate next time.

At The Sims 2 University, we gave all participants an updated fansite kit. You can download it here, if you didn't join us and are interested in downloading its content.

On of the most important things that we discussed at The Sims 2 University was the player-made custom content tool. View the screenshots below which show off various outfits that we have picked for
you to customize:

The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2

The file that contains the bitmap files for these clothing options can be downloaded here, feel free to play around with them and customize them to express your personal Sim-style!

Many of you have had specific questions about this tool. Below we have addressed some of your issues:

What is CaSIE?
CaSIE is a stand-alone tool that will let you build Sims that can be played in The Sims 2. In CaSIE, you will be able to choose your Sims' skin tone, eye color, hair styles; facial hair, makeup, clothes, and more. CaSIE will also give you incredible control over your Sims' faces through controls to select from a diverse range of facial "types" and sliders to fine tune even the smallest details, such as nose length, eyebrow thickness, lip curl, and chin shape. There are over 50 modifier sliders alone!

Another major feature of CaSIE is the ability to create custom content that anyone can play in The Sims 2. Take a t-shirt and add your face to it ... make a set of yellow cat eyes ... create a set of scaly green skins ... the possibilities are truly infinite.

Finally, CaSIE is the tool that will help you package the Sims and custom content you create and upload them to, post on your fan site, or share with your friends. We can't wait to see what turns up!

What is the difference between CaSIE and CAS?
CAS (Create-A-Sim) is a part of The Sims 2. CaSIE is a "stand alone" tool that runs separately from the game. CAS is the place in The Sims 2 where you will create Sims and their families and move them into your neighborhoods. CaSIE will be released before The Sims 2 ships as a way for you to start building Sims and creating custom content early. CAS allows you to name Sims, give them personalities and determine their facial appearance, physique, outfits, accessories, and hairstyles. You'll be able to create families with genetic similarities; CaSIE does not.

What does stand-alone mean?
"Stand-alone" means that CaSIE can run without having The Sims 2 installed on your computer, which is why we will be able to release CaSIE before the game ships. Once The Sims 2 is released (and if you have installed CaSIE and The Sims 2 in their default directories), they will work together seamlessly. For example, any Sim you create in CaSIE will be available for you to play in The Sims 2 without having to transfer any files. Also, any custom content you create in CaSIE will be automatically available to you in CAS. (CaSIE and The Sims 2, however, can not be run at the same time.)

Is CaSIE actually mandatory to run the game or can you just buy The Sims 2 and still play the game?
You can play The Sims 2 without having CaSIE.

How easy will it be to create new meshes for new clothes and Sims?
For the first release of CaSIE you will only be able to customize textures and the facial mesh (with modifiers and face choices). This is because the process of creating models in The Sims 2 is much more complex than in The Sims and we want players to be able to get started on textures as soon as possible. We do, however, plan to release an update to CaSIE later on that will let you export and import models to use in a 3D program.

Does CaSIE have the same requirements as The Sims 2?
Yes, CaSIE will work on the same system requirements as The Sims 2.

For all of you console fans, The Sims Bustin' Out community site is live. Click here to check out the fansite kit and chat on the BBS. The game will be in stores in just a few short weeks.

That's all for now.



20 Nov 2003 - 22:30

12 of the top fan sites were invited to EA to attend The Sims 2 University where they were treated to a day with The Sims 2 production team. Find out what they learned about!

Enter The Sims 2 University.

The Sims 2 University

On November 14th, webmasters the world over converged on Electronic Arts' Worldwide headquarters in Redwood Shores, California, to be a part of The Sims 2 University and get a rare, hands-on demonstration of The Sims 2.

Webmasters from The Sims Resource, Sims Zone, The Sims Zone, The Well Dressed Sim, Sim Freaks, Secret Sims, Sim Programs/8th Deadly Sim/7 Deadly Sims, SimSational, World Sims, The Sims 2 Resource, Sim Stuff, Die Sims, Killer Sims were all in attendance.*

The Welcome Table
The Welcome Table

We kicked off the day at 9 AM with a welcome breakfast where all of the attendees were able to meet each other face-to-face - most for the first time. From there, everyone moved to the presentation theater to watch a demo of the game with Lucy Bradshaw where she showed lots of the new home building tools. Lucy and Producer Tim LeTourneau demonstrated walls being built on diagonals and roofing tools that include gables. They also demonstrated how items in "buy mode" will be customizable and come in any color.

Lucy showing off The Sims 2
Lucy showing off The Sims 2

Following a short break, Maxis General Manager and international hearthrob Luc Barthelet talked about how valuable the community has been to The Sims franchise and challenged everyone to take things to the next level. Next up, were Art Directors Charles London and Dave Patch, who demonstrated how asset could be created by the community, and provided examples.

Programmer Mike Lawson and Designer Patrick Barrett took the floor next to show off the programming language behind The Sims 2. They gave a demonstration on how to program a Sim to move through an obstacle course. At first, the Sim moved through flawlessly but Mike soon changed that. With just a few keystrokes, the Sim was stumbling over logs and unsuccessfully trying to climb a wall, and was eventually reduced to tears. We then adjourned for a much needed lunch break and some hands-on time with the game.

Lunch Time
Lunch Time
Josh gets some hands-on time with The Sims 2.
Josh gets some hands-on time with The Sims 2.

After lunch, Producer Darren Futa took the floor to demonstrate the custom content tool for creating Sims (CaSIE). Darren showed everyone how a Sim is constructed, as well as a variety of customizations a user can make to a Sim. Once he was done creating a Sim, he demonstrated how a user could dress that Sim in custom designer duds. Darren opened a shirt in Photoshop and made some quick changes and then saved the file. The new shirt showed up in CaSIE on the Sim he had created and we could instantly see how it looked. You can see a review of these tool functions at The Sims Resource and at World Sims.

After Darren's demo, Web Manager Caryl Shaw addressed how Maxis Web Hosting is going to function. Caryl explained how the new system would alleviate webmasters from the sometimes crippling bandwidth costs that come from running successful websites, by allowing Maxis to host their site. This would allow smallers sites to continue to create great work without having to deal with the headache of bandwidth costs associated with people downloading their work.

After Caryl was done, it was time for the Trivia Contest! Can you name all The Sims Expansion Packs in order? What pet name in Unleashed was spelled wrong? It took a while but eventually Josh won the contest!

The trivia contest - Congrat's to Josh who won!
The trivia contest - Congrat's to Josh who won!
Group photo of all the webmasters with Will.
Group photo of all the webmasters with Will.

After a short Q&A with the team it was time to have some fun with Will Wright and the team. We took our leave to an EA play room where everyone got to play with The Sims 2 a little bit more, have a drink and eat some yummy food. Finally it was time to say good bye! See you next year!

4 Sep 2003 - 23:10

"Everything from the size of your Sim's feet to hair accessories will be customizable."

Go to

Will Wright
GENIUS AT PLAY: Wright clings to one of his Sims creations near his California offices
Reinventing the Sims

Will Wright hopes to erase some bad memories with a new version of the best-selling computer game

By Chris Taylor

In the beginning—that is, in 1989—Will Wright created Sim City. And it was good. Millions of PC owners got hooked on the game's godlike powers that let players create a town, fill it with enough parks and police stations to please an unseen population, and watch the town grow. Then in 2000 Wright said, "Let there be life." And he created The Sims, which let players micromanage the lives, loves and careers of adorable little people (called "Sims") who lived in homes reminiscent of the Cleavers' in the simpler era of black-and-white television. The Sims shipped 8 million copies, becoming the best-selling computer game of all time. For Wright, it was all very good.

As the 21st century dawned, Wright reigned as the undisputed deity of the PC-game world. That is, until his next big thing: The Sims Online, in which players from all over the world let their little people roam and mingle in a vast virtual environment. It sounded like the Garden of Eden. And lo, it was a boring, poorly populated bomb. Gamers suddenly realized that Wright was not infallible after all.

So what's next for this unflappable 43-year-old geek whose brain seems to overflow with ideas? Since The Sims Online debacle, he has been back at his virtual drawing board, sketching out a new breed of Sims. They look cooler, sound clearer and inhabit homes that are less Leave It to Beaver and more Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. Most audacious of all, they have real lives: they are born, they grow up, give birth and die. Legions of fans await the result, The Sims 2, due for release in February. Will it be a return case of divine inspiration—or will Wright slip again? His reputation rests on the outcome—as does the computer-game industry's best hope for the mainstream recognition it craves.

Wright is a gaunt, wiry figure with large glasses and a perpetual ironic smirk. His wardrobe seems to consist pretty much of gray shirts and black jeans. He is soft-spoken and reserved, with a playfulness just beneath the surface. At this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles, the biggest date on the computer-game industry's calendar, Wright casually slipped reporters near worthless Argentine banknotes as a surreal bribe. In his office at Maxis, his Walnut Creek, Calif., company, he is a nervy, perpetual-motion machine, methodically pulling apart glow-in-the-dark Silly Putty or constructing towers out of magnetic plastic toys.

Wright, in other words, is obsessed with creating things. As a child in Atlanta, that meant balsa-wood planes and train sets. When he discovered computers, it meant digital cities. These days it often means building battle robots with his 17-year-old daughter or inventing a special set of toy building blocks, which he calls Architex, that can be used to design houses. Indeed, it is his love for architecture that has led Wright to his greatest success. When the Sims germinated in his mind, it was like a virtual version of Architex. You built a home, then computer people called Sims moved in and told you whether they liked it or not. The original game was called Doll House, and teenage boys in a focus group rated it the worst idea they had ever heard.

But Wright persisted. Eventually The Sims became less of an afterthought to house building and more the focus of the game itself. Soon each Sim had a realistic set of needs represented by bars on the screen that turned from green to red. When a Sim registered as hungry, for example, it was time to point him toward the fridge (assuming you had bought him one).

The objective was to keep the Sims' needs fulfilled so they could get promotions and raises when they went to work or buy more stuff to meet their needs faster. Like a lot of Wright's work, it was all very tongue in cheek. The Sims were caricatures who never aged (neither did their children, who arrived as if by stork). The products you bought for them got ever more expensive and outrageous (like the Love-o-matic vibrating bed), and the chirpy 1950s movie music enhanced the Cleavers feel. Somehow it all worked.

Players found it easy to invest their imagination in the Sims' lives, with their carefully constructed needs, personalities and relationships. After the game was released, more than 1,000 fan websites sprang up in which players posted screen shots from their Sims' world. After the runaway success of the original, Wright supplied ever more storytelling tools. Six expansion sets—the Sims have pets! the Sims go on hot dates!—sold 6.8 million copies. (The seventh and final expansion, Makin' Magic, is to be released this Halloween.)

The stumble that was The Sims Online happened in late 2001. It was an Internet-based Sims world in which the storytelling was supposed to come from the interactions among players. It didn't gel. Fewer than 100,000 subscribers signed up to pay $10 a month for the service, far fewer than Maxis' hopes. Making your Sims mingle as if at a global cocktail party was, it turned out, not as addictive as trying to win them a promotion or building them a new bathroom. "The Sims Online was a wildly optimistic view of people providing their own entertainment," says Dan Morris, executive editor of PC Gamer magazine. "They needed a game with a well-defined narrative, not just a sandbox." Wright had effectively abdicated responsibility for the parameters of possible storytelling. The Sims is Wright's world; we just play in it.

For The Sims 2, Wright has learned his lesson—and then some. The narrative arc of the game has gone epic. Whereas the original Sims were as timeless as cartoon characters, their successors go through five distinct ages, from baby to senior—not quite the full Shakespearean seven but close enough. You used to have to try quite hard to kill Sims; now old age will get them in the end. The Sims 2 revolves around Big Life Moments that will positively or negatively affect each Sim's final score when he or she dies: successful potty training, the first kiss, the death of a parent, marriage, divorce. What was formerly a slice of family life becomes a tale of generations—or, as Wright puts it, more like a James Michener novel.

The richness of potential plot lines is matched by the Sims' sumptuous new look. The game's graphics, especially the lighting and the characters' facial features, are way ahead of what was possible in 2000. Everything from the size of your Sim's feet to hair accessories will be customizable. Wright found that a lot of players wanted to turn their Sims into virtual copies of their families and friends. Not only will that be possible, but also at the click of a button you will be able to see a random selection of children that any two Sims' genetic traits might produce.

All this is a long way from the virtual dollhouse Wright originally had in mind. What nobody in the industry can say for now is whether he has strayed too far. The casual gamers who fell in love with The Sims included many youngsters who became aware for the first time of what it was like to be in charge of little people who wouldn't stop watching TV and go to bed. Will those same players really care to see their Sims grow old and die? Will the enhanced realism of diaper changing gross them out?

The answers matter to the computer-game industry, which needs more hits of this kind if it is ever going to widen its appeal beyond the 3 million hard-core gamers (mostly men in their teens and 20s) who typically buy a game a month. As with The Sims Online, expectations are high: this is a business in which sequels often do better than the original. (Wright has one other game in the works—which he isn't able to talk about—tentatively titled SimEverything, in which players start out by bonding molecules and end up building galactic civilizations.) "The Sims is a dream franchise for people who want to see the medium grow," says Morris. We'll find out soon enough. And if it doesn't work out—well, Wright can always try releasing Architex.

28 Aug 2003 - 23:20

Maxis wants Bay Area fans of The Sims for a top-secret project. We'll divulge what we can, but if we told you any more we'd have to kill you.

For Your Eyes Only

Outsize San Francisco Bay Area Personalities Wanted

Do you live in or around the San Francisco Bay Area? Do you have great stories to tell about your Sims? Can you be succinct and ever-so-witty in front of a live camera? If you answered yes to these questions, then Maxis wants to hear from you.

We’re working on a super-secret project for The Sims 2 in the very near future, and we may need your help. Please send an email to explain, in 100 words or less, why you love The Sims, or recount your favorite moments from playing The Sims.

Please be sure to include your user-name, real name (optional), e-mail address, day-time location and a phone number where you can be reached during weekday business hours. In addition, please let us know if you speak a foreign language.

People will be selected as we receive their submissions, so if you live in the Bay Area and have the inclination, please be sure to submit your stories absolutely no later than 12AM PST Sunday, August 31th.

Please send an email to

28 Aug 2003 - 23:00

It’s 3 AM. You’re leaving work. It’s dark. Two figures emerge from the shadows. They approach. What do you do?

Read more below!

When Hardcore Fans and Overworked Testers Collide...

Lead Tester John Cook and fellow Tester Kip Katsarelis had been laboring long into the wee hours of Saturday morning, when they finally decided to succumb to their own circadian rhythms and go home for as much sleep as they could spare. On the way to their cars, they were stopped by two shadowy figures, and... asked for a tour of the office! It seems that a husband and wife team from Kansas City had scheduled some time to swing by Maxis on their trip to California. Perhaps they’re well versed in the working and sleeping habits of game developers. Maybe they were either incredibly behind (or ahead of) schedule. Whatever the case may be, they felt an impromptu late, late, late-night visit was in order. We’re sad to report that the glorious inner workings of Maxis remain a mystery to them, although their sunny Midwestern charm bought them a few snapshots under the company logo and their signatures now grace the official Maxis Guest Book.

Although we heartily appreciate their rabid devotion to The Sims, they might have had better luck if they had tried to gain access to the building during normal business hours. Or at the very least, during daylight hours.

17 Jul 2003 - 23:00

Last week was Camp EA and Press from all over the world were invited to EA to preview our latest games. Here are some previews of The Sims GBA, Makin' Magic, and Rush Hour.

Makin' Magic

The Sims - Bustin' Out
PlayStation - GameCube - XBox

The Sims - Bustin' Out
Game Boy Advanced

17 Jul 2003 - 23:00

Last week was Camp EA and Press from all over the world were invited to EA to preview our latest games. Here are some previews of The Sims GBA, Makin' Magic, and Rush Hour.

Makin' Magic

The Sims - Bustin' Out
PlayStation - GameCube - XBox

The Sims - Bustin' Out
Game Boy Advanced

27 May 2003 - 23:00

Afgelopen koninginnedag heeft EA Games allerlei kroontjes uitgedeeld voor de Sims fans, wij hebben de foto's verzameld!

Door het dragen van een kroontje maakte je kans op o.a. een Xbox spelsysteem van Microsoft en alle uitbreidingen van The Sims.

Met de prijswinnaars is inmiddels contact opgenomen en we wensen hun dan ook hartelijk welkom op het forum. Hier is een overzicht van de binnengekomen foto's.

The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday
The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday



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