
Happy New Year!

Hi everyone! I hope everyone had a great New Year celebration! I celebrated it with my family. We had raclette for dinner. And at midnight we had oliebollen and some sparklers!

I hope 2014 will be another great year for everyone. SNW has done pretty good in 2013. I intend to make 2014 an even better year. Happy

I hereby would like to announce three things!


SNW on deviantArt

I recently started using one of my old deviantArt accounts, changed the name and contents. And it's now snwgames on dA. I will upload some screenshots and other Simsy stuff. So if you are on dA, feel free to watch snwgames there as well! I will watch back all Sims related accounts. Happy


Live Streams and Let's Plays(?)

I have been debating whether or not I should do Let's Plays for a long time now. I am pretty camera shy, and I'm also not quite comfortable with my own voice. It's even worse in another language. However I have decided I will do some live streams every now and then. It's a good way to overcome my fears haha. The live streams will be Sims related, but also SimCity and other games such as Minecraft. At first I probably won't be talking, I've turned off my mic completely. It's likely I will change this as time progresses. I have been testing the live streams already on my Twitch channel. The Sims 3, The Sims 2, and Minecraft all work fine. I haven't been able to get The Sims working properly yet but I am determined to get that one working as well. I have so many games and I realize a lot of people just like looking at whatever it is other people do in their games. So that is one of the resolutions I have for SNW! For the old skool members and visitors here, you may remember that I broadcasted my Sims 2 game back in 2005? I really liked that! We could definitely do that again. The question is, do I play and talk in English or in Dutch? I prefer English, and I think most of the visitors do too.


Finally: a new team member; Marii!

I have been running SNW by myself most of the time. Throughout the years we had some moderators on our forums and such. And occassionally someone wrote a short article about a new pack. But most of the work here is done by myself. And even though I am proud of that, I am not opposed to anyone joining the team. Like most people, I am very busy with real life stuff, and have a hard time doing it all on my own. I have every intention in continuing doing a lot of things on SNW, but it's nice if there are talented people who want to help out. Marii has written reviews for SNW before, and recently she also did a Dutch video review on Midnight Hollow. She has her own Sims channel where she does Dutch Let's Play videos. Go check it out! Anyway the big news is, Marii is joining SNW officially as a team member! :D Give her a warm welcome!


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