
News Archive - 2005

Scot Amos and Virginia McArthur visited The Rain in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) on September 20, to tell us all about The Sims 2 on console, handheld and mobile!

The team members from were also at the event. You can read their story in the words of Justmieke.

Read the report here.

Listen to Tim LeTourneau talk about Nightlife in our premiere Sims 2 Podcast.

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Update your fansite with loot from The Sims 2 on Xbox, PS2, Gamecube, PSP, DS, and GBA! Get screenshots, screensavers and more!

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The Sims 2 Content Manager Tool has been updated with improvements suggested by the community. Simply delete your old version and download the new!

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Hey Folks,

Tomorrow The Sims 2 Nightlife officially starts to hit the shelves in North America. I know it's already out in some countries so some of you could be playing it right now. I hope you are having fun. I know we had a lot of fun making it.

"Regardless of social oddities, the guys that are working on The Sims 2 franchise have already demonstrated the know how to provide new personality to an already fun filled experience with University. Nightlife is no exception."

"It's a nice addition, especially for those that want to be able to get out on the town and experience more of the sim social life instead of the sim home life."

Electronic Arts announced today that The Sims™ 2 Nightlife, the second expansion pack to the critically-acclaimed PC game The Sims 2, will ship starting today in North America under the EA™ brand.

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"We dove straight into the Story mode and were immediately presented with the daunting character creation interface. Don't get us wrong, it's not daunting in the sense that it's complicated to use, it's daunting because there are such a ridiculous amount of customization options."

Read The Review!

What does The Sims 2 mean to you and how do you play? We are looking for fans to interview for a video project that's currently in development. There are so many great fans out there and we are anxious to hear about some of your experiences playing the game. If you are an avid player of The Sims games and reside in the San Francisco Bay Area, we'd love to hear from you!

We have added a cornucopia of screenshots for Nightlife, PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, GameBoy Advance, Nintendo DS, PSP, and mobile. Head on over to the About section for the latest from your favorite game!

A Cornucopia Of Screenshots!



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