
News Archive - 2003

Tim LeTourneau, Senior Producer for The Sims 2 spills the beans about creating the sequal to the number one game of all time.

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We would like to welcome 3 new SimMasters to our online community. SimMasterSherry, SimMasterMaaBear, and SimMasterBurpie have been doing a great job helping the community so we decided to make them official. If you see them on the BBS please welcome them and show them your support!


We have posted the next 4 songs for the Superstar Soundtrack. Glabe Glarn!

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Last week was Camp EA and Press from all over the world were invited to EA to preview our latest games. Here are some previews of The Sims GBA, Makin' Magic, and Rush Hour.

Makin' Magic

Although not officially announced, Maxis gave a select group of North America and International press a sneak peek of the next expansion pack for The Sims, Makin' Magic*. Look for an official announcement in the coming weeks.
*This is a working title.

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Er staat een nieuw uitbreidingspakket voor The Sims aan te komen, en wat voor een!

In dit uitbreidingspakket kunnen the Sims magische spreuken gebruiken om hun liefdesleven te verbeteren, chaos te bezorgen bij boze buren of een einde maken aan al hun zorgen!

Een geheel nieuw magisch carnaval-achtige bestemming, spannende nieuwe gameplay en een hele hoop nieuwe karakters staan je op te wachten in dit magische juweeltje!

Stuur the Sims naar Magie Stad om hersenkrakende tricks uit te voeren en geheime recepten te ontdekken voor snode spreuken.

We have posted the next 4 songs for the Superstar Soundtrack. Download yours today to get your party started.

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Each week we will be presenting 4 new tracks for your Superstar Music CD. Download and print the liner notes and burn your own CD of music from Superstar!

Go To Superstar Music CD

"Once your GameCube sim has been sent to the GBA, he or she will be able to make quick cash, satisfy motives, and work on skills, all of which will be carried over when he or she returns home to the GameCube."

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