Some very early concept art for Granite Falls
SimGuruSarah posted these lovely concept arts from Granite Falls, the world that comes with Outdoor Retreat!
Some very early concept art for Granite Falls
SimGuruSarah posted these lovely concept arts from Granite Falls, the world that comes with Outdoor Retreat!
Release Notes for 01/13/2015, Version
Happy New Year Simmers!
It’s January, a new year has begun. There’s still a sun and moon in the sky, the rain falls, steam rises, and Plumbobs rotate – there must be a patch!
We had a few important fixes ready to roll to address some big community concerns, primarily the inability to load into a lot from a pre-existing save game, as well as a performance issue with large My Library trays that could cause the game to fail to load, and we wanted to get these fixes out to you! In addition to few others that we have at the ready.
Thank you again for all your feedback and help, we are humbled by your commitment and diligence.
Crash / Performance
UI / Text
Thank you for all your feedback, keep it coming!
We have just released a new version of the Graphics Rules Maker. It now comes with better Windows Vista/7/8 support, a SimCity 4 plugin and a Dutch translation.
Woooo check out the new trailer about pools. All the houses. I got so much inspiration now! *off to build*
Yesterday I was lucky enough to attend a private Twitch stream from the Sims Studio. Graham Nardone and Stephanie Tran showed a bunch of fansites and YouTubers the pools in The Sims 4! I had no idea what to expect, but I did manage to write down some questions before the demo, and they were all answered. I made a Q&A overview for you guys to learn all about the new pools feature! Enjoy!
Thanks EA for giving me an early demo on pools. I enjoyed it very much and I can't wait to start building houses with pools again!
The Sims team has posted a thread on the official forums, asking us to pick our favourite design from the above picture. I honestly cannot choose, I just want them all. Yes I know that sounds greedy, but they're so adorable! If I have to pick favourites, it's 3, 6, 2, 10, in that order. The Sims team will make the winning sweater for us in December!
Hello Simmers! It’s November and the holidays are approaching rapidly! To get into the giving spirit, we’d like to make a tacky (cheesy) holiday sweater for you all! Here are some concepts we have drawn up. Tell us which one you’d most like to inflict on your Sims this holiday season. Santa will deliver it in December!
Be sure to tune in to today's broadcast. It will be at noon PST, 8pm in the UK and 9pm CET. Don't miss it!