
News Archive - March, 2010

Welcome to Sunset Valley Blooperville!
The amazing part of a Sims Developer’s job that keeps us coming back to work day after day is the sheer number of hilarious and unexpected moments that occur in our game, typically as the result of portions of the game that are “works in progress.”

Just like any movie, television show, or heck, typo filled IM conversation, we’ve got bloopers piled a mile high. The simple truth is that any video game is incredibly complex. The formula is quite simple:

Be a hero or revel in chaos with The Sims 3 Ambitions.

Want to score some sweet TS3 goodies? Today only, we will be selecting random subscribers to our YouTube channel to receive The Sims 3 stuff. Make sure you're subscribed to our channel!

Subscribe to The Sims YouTube channel

A group of top machinima artists as well as builders and designers have gathered to showcase their latest and greatest machinima in the community-created SIFF, or Sims International Film Festival! Head over to the Red Carpet, mingle with the stars, grab a seat and check out the premiere screenings.

Attend the film festival

Dit jaar vieren we het 10 jarige bestaan van De Sims. Heb je de speciale feest pagina al bezocht?

Zo ja dan heb je ook vast de leuke wedstrijden gezien waarmee je onder andere kans maakt op een fantastische De Sims laptop. Heb je nog niet meegedaan? Dan kan dit nog tot en met aanstaande zondag!

The Sims 3

Bezoek nu de speciale feestpagina!



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