
News Archive - 2009

From the best-selling PC franchise in history, the wildly popular simulation game has expanded its virtual world onto the iPhone™ and iPod® touch and the reception has been nothing short of phenomenal.

The Sims 3 is now available at a store near you! Create Sims with unique personalities. Connect, share & shop online. Determine your Sims ultimate destiny and customize everything.

Buy Now

Be sure to pick up the July issue of PC Gamer in stores today!

Be sure to pick up a copy (exclusively in UK stores).

Check out the new videos for The Sims 3 we've posted on our YouTube channel!

Watch the videos

Hi, I'm La Shawn (otherwise known as Rain) and I am the producer for the town of Riverview. Riverview is a seemingly sleepy little town that gives you a whole new neighborhood full of intriguing Sims to play with, new places to visit and new items to experience that can't be found in Sunset Valley. Riverview can be downloaded for free from The after registering your game.

One of my favorite parts of Riverview is the families your Sims can meet there. Each family has an interesting history and secrets that you can uncover.

EA Netherlands is looking for new interns!

Are you looking for an internship beginning in August / September? We have some good news for you!

The Summer is approaching! This is a good time to arrange an internship before the beginning of the new school year! If you are looking for an internship starting in August or September, EA could be looking for you too!

Interested? Take a look at and this could just be the beginning of a career in the gaming industry for you!

E3 Titles Showcase Quality, Innovation, Online Experiences and Focus on the Wii. Press release can be read below.



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