
News Archive - 2001

Tech Chat is our new support tool for helping answer your questions. With this powerful chat resource, our technicians will be able to hold question and answer sessions. This chat site is for Technical Support inquiries only.

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Check out the Sim Community Update for the latest in fan news and downloads!

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What wacky animations would you like your Sims to perform? How about spitting watermelon seeds at other Sims? Please respond by going to the BBS and post in the Suggest A Topic section.

Go to Chat/BBS

"Maxis' founder tells IGN about his online empire in the midst of E3."

Go to Article

The One Explosive Summer Contest ends June 25! So get those Albums on the Exchange and enter the contest today.

Go to SimDay Events

More summer fun is in store for your Sims! Make sure they have access to some of the best looking stadiums around!

Go To Best Of The Web

We would like to thank everyone that entered the No Pro's Building Contest. The judges will be reviewing all entries very soon and the winners will be posted next week.

The third and final Sim sing-along is up in the Get Cool Section. Download the music short and sing-along with the lyrics to one of our House Party campfire songs. You will be speaking Sim in no time!

Go to Get Cool Stuff

Where would you like your Sims to go ... a park, nightclub, or a restaurant? What scenes would you like to see in your game? Please respond by going to the BBS and post in the Suggest A Topic section.

Go to Chat/BBS

"The Sims Online will take everything that’s right and good about The Sims and SimsVille, allowing hundreds of users to access the same location, on numerous servers around the globe."

Go to Happy Puppy Article
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